scary desert storm
after getting out from Al-Kout cinema at 2:30AM a scary weather was waiting for me i couldn't see any thing it was a desert storm and the sudden i was on the road i couldn't see the cars,,, a car about 50 meter away was invisible i was about to crush in it :x ohh yeah and now my hair is white hehhehe dusty hair
can you see the end of the street?!

buckle up, drive safe & good night
allah y3eenkom
testahel...shem 6al3ik ban9as alayali :P
ma tshoof carefully
dusty hair..7ada mo shay...for ur hair to go white as you said...u must have had ALOT OF GEL in ur hair....
lesh jaw lekuwait chethie :|
ee walah ee walah ee walah
hehehe a7la shy n9 elleeel hdooo2 oo mafy ez3aaj :P oo i don't use hair gel just my pure hair :P men 9ejej enty?? a7la shy bel kuwait el jow, el9b7 tlagenah sh7latah oo el`6hr m6r oo el39r `3bar,,,you can see all the four seasons in one day only in kuwait :P~
OH el.jaw kan 3aJEEB .. the sky were PINK o rab el.ka3ba it was ;p
the most funny thing happend that day i've heared an old man saying : el.Jaw kela ramil !!
LOOL ya 7afi'6 ramil marra wa7da yGolon ghbar bs maku mu9er 3al.ramil =\
hope you enjoyed he movie and driving after it ;=]~
the movie was "ok" but the weather was 3jeeb :D ramil mara w7da? lol
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