7lema in 7ijab

well the moment i saw this picture i was kinda shock i didn't know that she wore 7ijab before and i think she wore it when she went to 7ajj,,, but not thats what's shocks me,,, why would any one wear the 7ijab for a period of time then just forget about it and like nothing happened, i've seen people wear 7ijab just in ramadan and when the 3eed comes "bye bye 7ijab" i don't know how people think! people may lie to people but lying to allah? would anyone lie to god? thats just ridiculous,,, like that ugly girl from guitara band she took off her 7ijab cause she can't preform well on stage "ya mammyyyy 3leeeech" smellah 3leech oo 3la wayhech ya eljekara :\ and some girls took it off cause it's not "stylish" and it's not "cool"... look at what 7lima wear's now and she's a 7ajeya and what she do :\ isn't she cute :P
( وعسى أن تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم وعسى أن تحبوا شيئا وهو شر لكم ، والله يعلم وأنتم لا تعلمون )
سورة البقرة 216
i'm not being religious oo "dayen" oo "shad 7eely" but there's a limit for everything and i don't think people have the right to play with such things,,,,
what's next discount's on reka3's in praying? at`3fer allah walla m95rah
وخلصت وملصت ويت ديايه وعنفصت
LOL LALA maybe she should go without 7ijab.
Hello You wear it to go to 3omera o 7aj doesn’t mean you WORE IT!
Bes you should never commit if you don’t mean it
she went to hajj of course she's gonna wear it! she only wears it when she goes to saudi arabia.
as for girls who wear it and take it off.. well, maybe they had a change of heart. in my opinion, i'd rather see a girl take it off completely, than keep it and wear tight clothes or take it off in front of guys and in general disrespect it.
zain so2al
hathe el9oorah wehya bel7aj??
lana etha hal kither mkyaj wehya 7ajeya
ya salaaaamm
bs i have to agree with enigma and say
ya talbesoonah methel elawadem ya ge6ooh cz ur insulting it
shayf elmet7ajbat hal ayam?
ysamoonhum kayseyat 3areyat
labseen min ghair ehdoom
allah yhadeena oo yahdee eljamee3
ya7lelik wallah....thakartni byadeeti lama gel yaat aldeyayah we 3anfe9at lol
I think she is doing this to promote a new line of "3abayat and malafe3" and it has no connection with the purpose of wearing a 7ejab
and if it was true...as eshda3wa said...ya salaaaaaaaam 3al mekyaaj...wel 3adasat...7alima is creating a new style for hejabies!!
allah yhdeha ow hadi aljamee3 inshallah
BTW...I hate her 3abayah..whats this big flower on it...UGLY
BeKHte9aR HABBa !!
ya3jebhum el.youm bachir khale9at mo'6Ta ..yGe6oONa .. 7a6ena mo 3an deyana aw saNa3 bs chethy yar'6oON 3umerhum mo akthaR .. plus a9lan ma3a e7Terami 7aG ba3'6 el.met7ajbat afa'6l enha ma tet7ajab ahwaN cuz 7adhum ga3den yshawhoON som3at le7jaB blebs-hum el.saKHeeF ;X
i'm not gonna talk about this =\
allah yastiR 3alehum .. i'm just wondering how it's gonna be 20 years from now !!! =\
I totally agree with you.
The biggest examples are the egyptian actresses and artists right or not?
kuuuu7 kuuuuu7! yaa gadeem ya entta! :P
this pic was taken in the airport as she was going to 7aj
oo she had to wear 7jab cuz she was going to KSA...HELLOOOOO?? U cant not wear 7ejaab in KSA!! u knew that? :P
Blue Dress:
i know DUUH!! i'm saying that if you got to 7aj you should stop everything bad you do, not go back to the m95rah :\
i'm with you wallah
elmo`6ah 7aj bel make up :P
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :P ana shayeb :P nothing wrong with going to 7aj and put some make up and make a new style for m7ajabat :P
wallah bel q8 kel shy habba, el3alam 3la elree7a ay shy yshofonah ysowoona, thats kinda remind of of gorillaz :P
yeah aint that something? :D the new genaration :P
i'm GONNA KILL YOU!! kel shy gadeem? i know she wore it for 7aj but you're missing the point!!!! i WILL KILL YOOOU!!!
7aleema labsa le7jaab l2nhaa lazem talbessa.. shloon t7ej men '3air 7jaab o ehya mo met7ajbaa .. ely ag9eda enha mo met7ajba o labseta l2nha ma tgdar t7ej aw tdesh el so3odeya men '3airaa .. bs fe banat ohma bl q8 o ohma mo met7ajbat o yalbesoona bs fe ramadan o yshelona el.. wa'93 ye5elef !!
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